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Welcome to the Checkmate Homepage

Checkmate was written to give you a fast overview of your current diabetic treatment status (Based on your Nightscout cloud data). This project is published as open source.

Download APK

Download the latest Checkmate version here:

See Change-Log here: Checkmate Change-Log

(Old Releases)

Checkmate Features

Checkmate GUI Overview

Checkmate Code Repository

The Checkmate source code can be reviewed and compiled from:
Link to Checkmate Source

Checkmate Documentation

Visit the Checkmate documentation webpage.

Used Data Sources

Nightscout Project
Checkmate is using the Nightscout glucose data API to receive your raw glucose data and calculate and visualize the up- and downs of your current diabetic treatment status. Therefore a Nightscout database is mandatory to run Checkmate. Follow the guide here to set-up a Nightscout database

XDrip (with for example the Dexcom G6) can be used to upload glucose data from the smartphone to the Nightscout cloud. This program is not replacing any functionality of XDrip+ which can be downloaded at Jamorham’s Page.


I want to thank A.S. for his great contributions and improvements of the features and checkmate code. The Nightscout project, Jamorham, and PhilJay from MPAndroid for making this project possible and for improving my life as a diabetic to a degree which would be not possible with the commercialy available software.


This project can be supported by you! If you would like to support this project’s further development, feel free to donate. Your donation is highly appreciated (especially for all the coffee during programming) Thank you!

Donate $5: Thank’s for working on this project, here’s a coffee for you!


Visit the FAQ page.


Checkmate was not written for commercial purposes and is published as open source. Therefore I will not take any responsibility for using this app.

Copyright by N.B., Sept 2022 (slincheckmate(at)